08 November
Admiral’s new algorithm: where do we draw the line?
Last week, Facebook blocked a car insurance plan proposed by Admiral, which hoped to view young drivers' profiles in order to help set car insurance premiums.
The company wanted to use computer analysis of likes and…
07 July
Should you consider using Adwords' new Google Maps Ads?
What are Google Maps Ads?
If you take a trip down to Google Maps, you might see something new... ads! Well, new-ish. Search Engine Land reported some testing of Google Maps Ads way back in 2013,…
14 October
Free 30 Minute Consultation
If you're looking for ways to make the most of the upcoming Christmas period, why not speak directly with an expert? For a limited time only, The Click Hub is offering a number of free, 30-minute…
14 October
Holidays Are Coming: Preparing Your Paid Search Programs For The Festive Season
Time to start planning those Black Friday campaigns! Columnist Laura Collins shares her tips for getting the most out of your paid search campaigns this holiday season.
It’s the most wonderful time of the year… unless you’re…
24 March
Dynamic Structured Snippets For Google Adwords
Google have announced that there will be a slight change to how some paid ads appear to searchers, in the addition of dynamic structured snippets.
Dynamic structured snippets show a line of additional information about…
05 January
Shopping And Searching On A Smartphone? Not Quite As Mobile As You’d Think…
Where do we spend the most time using our phones to search and shop online? When we’re out and about, on the go and away from home? Actually no… Extensive research conducted by search engine…
05 January
Black Friday UK Online Sales Increase By 135% Year-On-Year, But The Majority Of SMEs Fail To Profit From Digital Opportunities.
It’s no secret that these days, more and more consumers are using the internet to make purchases, with studies showing that three quarters shop online and 66% are using the web to search for information…
24 November
Don’t Miss Out On Cyber Monday!
Cyber Monday is a massive opportunity for businesses as it is one of the most important days of the year in terms of online retail traffic. It’s a digital alternative to Black Friday; a huge…
07 November
Three Inexpensive PPC Techniques For Better Results.
Getting a great ROI from your marketing campaigns is a high priority for every small business owner, but how do you ensure this happens? At The Click Hub, we understand that there will be different…