
17 November

Preparing Your Site for Black Friday

This post was written by Charlotte Head.   When you think of Black Friday, your mind often jumps to dystopian scenes of destruction and debauchery.  Such as... ‘Target Shoppers Step Over Dying Man’ ‘Scenes of Chaos during chain store’s…

13 November

Our Top 5 Shopify Apps

Shopify, much like the many other content management systems, is what you make it. That means, while you start off with a relatively blank slate, you can personalise your Shopify site and transform it into…

21 September

Do Google Reviews Help with SEO?

Positive Google reviews are important for your business. That’s long been known. But do they have an impact on your SEO? And could obtaining, then including Google reviews on your website actually increase your visibility…

24 August

How to Tackle Cart Abandonment

Chances are, if you have an e-commerce website, you’re missing out on potential revenue every day. No matter how successful your online site is, there’s almost always room for growth. In today’s blog, we’re going…

27 July

Does Email Marketing Still Work?

Unsurprisingly, since the GDPR came into effect in May of this year, there have been various questions flying around the internet, with lots of people fearing this could mean the end for email marketing success.…

06 July

Goodbye, AdWords. It’s Time for a Rebrand

AdWords is soon to be no more. And no, Google hasn’t gone out of business overnight. But they are undergoing a rebrand and it’s a pretty major one at that. In doing so, they are…

29 June

Instagram Takes on YouTube with the Launch of IGTV

“It’s time for video to move forward and evolve” - Instagram CEO, Kevin Systrom.   Nowadays, young people are watching far less broadcast television. But that doesn’t mean their eyes aren’t glued to some kind of screen.…

18 June

Niche Marketing vs Mass Marketing

In this blog, I’ll be talking about the differences between niche and mass marketing, looking at which approach is best suited to which businesses and why. There is both rhyme and reason behind these tactics…

29 May

Here’s What You Need to Know about YouTube SEO

These days, the power of video is often talked about, but how powerful can a video be if it can’t even be found? First and foremost, and this one probably goes without saying, you’ve got to…