13 August
The Problem with Social Media and 'Free Speech'
Free speech comes up often when we talk about social media, with some people talking about how it's a great place to express your thoughts or opinions, some believing that the so-called “free speech police”…
14 July
Is Facebook's Success Built on Copying Its Competitors?
Within the world of business, it is a common practice to recognise popular innovations and adapt them into your own business model. Competition is healthy in the marketplace, but where does the line between adaptation…
14 May
Why Did Facebook Block Signal’s Ad Campaign?
In a blog post released in May, messaging app Signal claimed that, after attempting to run a series of targeted Instagram ads highlighting how Facebook data can be used for advertising, Facebook blocked their ads.…
08 April
What is the Future of Music Streaming?
“Streaming isn’t a format: it’s a business model. But streaming is still only one business model, and a business model that in many ways is so constraining, that we really only have one set of…
26 March
Clash of the Titans: Governments vs. Big Tech
(Featured image credit: Quarts at Work)
The recent conflicts between Google and Facebook and the Australian Government regarding the instalment of the News Media and Digital Platforms Mandatory Bargaining Code have highlighted the increasing tensions between…
21 October
The Curious Case of a President, a Nation State and an App
With the eyes of the world turning to the United States for the upcoming presidential election in November, we thought we’d take the time to delve into the story of how and why Donald Trump…
27 February
How to Create an Effective Social Media Strategy
Social media has exploded so much in recent years that it can be hard to even know where to start with using social media for your business. When utilised well, social media is an incredibly…
17 January
Why Do We Trust Google and Not Facebook?
Out of all the tech giants, Facebook is the bad guy. Amazon is a definite contender because of the allegations about how they treat their workers, but ask people what they think of Mark Zuckerburg…
14 November
Twitter Bans Political Ads: Will Others Follow?
The relationship between social media and politics has always been a tricky one to navigate. Back in July, we wrote a blog on just this topic, tapping into advertising, fake news and the issue with…