Email marketing tips from latest research

Email experts Litmus have recently released some insightful research on email market share statistics. Analysing over 13 million email opens over the past year, the data proves an interesting study from a digital marketing perspective. Assessing the environments in which emails are opened most commonly, from desktop, mobile and webmail, the study can be translated into email marketing tips and read in terms of how to optimise your email for maximum exposure.


What the research said:

Unmoving from last year, Litmus found that iPhone (33%), Gmail (15%) and iPad (12%) hung on to the top spots for the most used platforms for opening emails, with Outlook dropping both online and on a desktop. As expected, Apple has retained their large market share in terms of mobile devices at 45% (including iPad), with Android following at 35%.


Email marketing infographic

Mobile Opens. Source: Litmus


In terms of the environment emails were opened in, the desktop continues to steadily decline while checking and opening emails on a mobile is on the up – currently standing at 55% of emails opened. Mobile email opening has been rising rapidly, increasing it’s market share by 8% from January 2015 to the end of the same year. Webmail has been reasonably constant over the past few years, averaging at around 26%.


Email marketing infographic

Opens by Environment Source: Litmus

So what does this mean for you?


The key message to take away from this data is that your emails must be mobile responsive. The importance of a mobile responsive website has been hammered home a lot in the last few years, but it’s equally crucial to optimise your email for mobile. With over half of all emails being opened on a mobile device, if the text and images of your emails appear jumbled, it will seriously hinder the message as well as your professional brand image.

In a nutshell, one of our most effective but straightforward email marketing tips is to ensure your email marketing strategy is fully responsive to both Apple and Android mobile devices.

If you want to find out more about how email marketing can bring business to you, get in touch – we’d love to hear from you!