15 June
Why Print Still Matters
The best marketing strategies employ both channels simultaneously, playing to each of their strengths.
01 April
Martha Lane Fox: We Must Make Better Use Of The Digital.
Speaking at the annual Richard Dimbleby Lecture on Monday, tech champion and founder of, Martha Lane Fox, outlined her beliefs that the internet should benefit and empower EVERYONE, and called for more digital imagination…
24 March
Dynamic Structured Snippets For Google Adwords
Google have announced that there will be a slight change to how some paid ads appear to searchers, in the addition of dynamic structured snippets.
Dynamic structured snippets show a line of additional information about…
24 March
Google Reveals 80% Of HTTPS URLs Are Being Wrongly Displayed as HTTP
Before I begin this blog, I will briefly explain the difference between HTTP and HTTPS for any readers not familiar with the terms…
HTTP stands for Hyper Text Transfer Protocol and is what transfers data between…
24 March
Google Takes A Stand On Mobile Friendly Sites - Will Yours Comply With The New Algorithm?
Google has announced that on April 21st this year, they will be launching their mobile search algorithm, meaning that they will start considering a site’s mobile friendliness in the ranking process. This is not a…
18 February
Re-thinking Your Approach To Content:
There has been a shift in the way we should be thinking about writing content, with a greater focus on content design, rather than just creating copy. Content designers should think creatively and about the…
13 January
Digital Marketing Errors Made By The Winner Of The Apprentice
The most recent series of The Apprentice saw Lord Alan Sugar crown Mark Wright the winner of the show and the £250,000 investment, beating runner-up Bianca Miller’s hosiery business. Mark’s winning business idea was a…
06 January
Changes To Facebook’s News Feed Content Controls - What It Means For Your Business.
In November 2014, Facebook announced that they would be introducing new content rules to reduce the number of overly promotional posts appearing on people’s News Feeds. These controls were recently implemented at the beginning of…
05 January
Shopping And Searching On A Smartphone? Not Quite As Mobile As You’d Think…
Where do we spend the most time using our phones to search and shop online? When we’re out and about, on the go and away from home? Actually no… Extensive research conducted by search engine…