5 Reasons you should be blogging right now

If blogging isn’t currently a key component of your digital marketing strategy then you are undoubtedly missing a trick. If you don’t believe us, here are 5 reasons why you should be making time for blogs in order to strengthen your SEO campaign:


  1. Traffic

At the most elementary level, every time you write a blog post, it creates one more indexed page on your website. This means another opportunity for you to show up in search engines and drive traffic to your website in an organic search. We’ve run several experiments by writing blog topics that are keyword enriched for small pieces of digital marketing news. By being amongst the first commentators on a news topic, your blog can catch many of those early searches and bring new users to the website.


  1. Keeping it fresh

As one experiment has shown, simply updating a blog post’s date may cause a significant boost in search engine results. That’s not to say you should be trying to cheat the system and do this yourself, but the study demonstrates how Google loves fresh content. Since recent algorithm updates have put greater emphasis on the importance of good quality text content being uploaded to your website regularly, it’s more important than ever get blog writing.


  1. Link-building

Bloggers love to link to other bloggers, and Google loves links. In order to weed out irrelevant content, search engines use systems for measuring trust, many of which are based on the link graph. Earning links from highly-trusted domains can result in a significant boost in this scoring metric. For this reason, Link Building is an essential part of any SEO strategy



By promoting an active discussion with your company blog you can build relationships, create valuable links and respond to real-time feedback. The best business blogs answer common questions that their leads and customers have. (If you’re struggling for blog topics, comments and feedback can also be great material to build upon for future posts!)


  1. Authority

There’s much more to having a company blog than simply increasing traffic to your website. If you’re consistently publishing useful and targeted content it can help to build your brand identity as a trusted and knowledgeable authority in the field. As your content becomes more and more widely shared, this will help improve your website’s domain authority and should boost your SEO!


If you’d like to speak to one of our team about best practices and tips for blogging, we’d love to hear from you!