How to Set Up Google Search Console for UK Users

Google Search Console (formerly known as Google Webmaster Tools) is a free service provided by Google that helps you monitor, maintain, and troubleshoot your site’s presence in Google Search results. Here’s a step-by-step guide on how to set up Google Search Console for UK users:

Create a Google Account or Log In

If you don’t already have a Google account, you’ll need to create one. If you already have one (for example, if you use Gmail), then just log in.

Navigate to Google Search Console

Go to the Google Search Console homepage:

Click ‘Start Now’ or ‘Add a Property’

If you’re a new user, click ‘Start Now’. If you’ve used Google Search Console before, click ‘Add a Property’.

Enter Your Website URL

You can add your website using either a domain method (for example, ‘’) or a URL prefix method (for example, ‘‘). The domain method verifies your entire domain while the URL prefix method is specific to the URL you provide.

Verify Ownership

Depending on the method you chose:

  • Domain method: You’ll need to add a TXT record to your domain’s DNS configuration.
  • URL prefix method: You’ll have multiple verification methods to choose from such as adding a meta tag to your site’s homepage, uploading an HTML file to your server, or using your Google Analytics or Google Tag Manager account.

Follow the on-screen instructions for your chosen verification method.

Set Your Preferred Geographic Target

This is especially relevant for UK users who want to target users within the UK.

  • Go to ‘Search Traffic’ or ‘Legacy tools and reports’ (depending on the console’s current layout).
  • Select ‘International Targeting’.
  • Under the ‘Country’ tab, choose ‘United Kingdom’ as your targeted country.

Submit a Sitemap (Optional, but Recommended)

If you have a sitemap for your website, it’s a good idea to submit it to Google Search Console to assist Google in crawling your site:

  • In the left sidebar, navigate to ‘Sitemaps’.
  • Enter the URL of your sitemap (usually it’s something like ‘‘ but check with your web developer first) and click ‘Submit’.

Review Initial Data

After you’ve set everything up, Google will begin to gather data about your site. It might take a few days to see comprehensive data. Check for any crawl errors, indexed pages, and other vital information.

Set Up Email Notifications

This ensures you’re alerted to any issues or critical notifications regarding your website.

Regularly Review & Monitor

Make a habit of checking your Google Search Console account regularly to monitor your site’s performance in Google Search, address any issues, and make improvements based on the data provided.

Remember, Google Search Console is a powerful tool not just for monitoring how your site appears in search, but also for finding opportunities to improve your site’s performance and discoverability. Make the most of it!